Frequently Asked Questions on Leonard Milholland's Double Eagle™ LSA Catagory Aircraft...

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Q. Do the wings Fold?

A. No, The cost in weight and complexity makes this difficult.

Q. Can I cover the Rear Section?

A. Yes the rear section can be covered as it is in the prototype...

Q. Do I need a seat cushion?

A. No the seat is quite comfortable and you get onboard ventilation, however there are seat covers shown in the Oshkosh 2007 Photos!

Q. Can I use a plastic propeller?

A. Since no reduction drive exists this is not recommended.

Q. Can I use a different engine?

A. Yes, but you will have to watch the W&B and center of gravity. Engines of around 60 Hp are best.

Q. Can I paint it?

A. Yes.

Q. What are the wings made of?

A. All wood aircraft grade spruce.

Q. What are the wing ribs made of?

A. Made with 1/4th inch cap strips with and plywood gussetts glue and stapled. Staples are removed after the glue dries.

Q. What are the spars made of?

A. Square wood spar caps with plywood webbing and intercostals at all ribs.

Q. What kind of glue do you use?

A. There are many good glues on the market, I use T-88.

Q. What are the struts made of?

A. They are 60-61 T6 aluminium (extruded) and can be ordered from Mrs. Carlson, Streamlined Struts, P.O. Box 88, East Palestine, OH 44413, 330-426-3934.

Q. Do you have materials kits available?

A. An independently created materials package is now available from Mr. John Bolding, J&N Bolding Enterprises Inc. 15731Lakeview Drive, Tx 77522 or call John @ 281-383-0113

Q. What propeller do you recommend?

A. Fixed pitch wood prop from Culver Props, Rolla, MO 573-364-6311. Be sure to specify the prop for the Double Eagle

Q. How can I get a suitable prop hub?

A. Prop hubs can be ordered for $165 Postpaid, I will try to hold this price but it is subject to change, based on my costs. The prop plate, bolt, washer, hub and seal and instructions are included. Here is a picture.

Q. Do I need an in flight battery charger?

A. The design includs a basic electrical system for sustained operations. There is a small alternator as used on Kubota tractors.

Editors Note: Absolute specifications are based on the plans and minor variations may be involved. This information should be used as a guide only and is not warranted for any other use public or private. Leonard Milholland as the designer reserves to himself final interpretation of any and all specifications for the aircraft outside of those submitted to the FAA and included in the plans. Since each builder may make variations in the plans and also possess varying skills in the manufacture of the aircraft the final determination of airworthyness is up to the builder and the inspection process involved for certification. No other warrantee is expressed or implied and the designers absolute, complete and total liability for any disputes it the prompt refund of the amounts actually paid for plans and video materials.

The Names Legal Eagle and Double Eagle as referencing airplanes are Trade Marks and or Service Marks or L. E. Milholland, LLC. We request that reviewers, builders, and agents please respect these marks and only use the names with the marks as shone.

Reviewers and members of the press may use limited "fair use" of the materials on the website so long as credit is given as to source. Great care has been applied to provide alternate tags as to photo and material credit and re request that this information be included in any reuse of the material.

Added to the World Wide Web 10/21/2007 © 2007 by Graeme E. B. Gibson and or L. E. Milholland, LLC.