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New Video Story by UltralightNews at Airventure 10/21/2007


Leonard Milholland is featured in the Story  on page 30. Coverage of the LSA area and the Double Eagle - cover art copyrighted by SProts Aviation Magazine. 10/2007 issues of Sports Aviation

Leonard Milholland is featured in the Story on page 30.

Coverage of the LSA area and the Double Eagle.

The Double Eagle Airplane was a Big Hit at the Oshkosh Airventure 2007 Fly in. In this story details are given as to the success of the Double Eagle and other LSA category aircraft at the show. Leonard Milholland, John Bolding and Graeme Gibson spoke to thousand of people who visited the LSA area during the show.
September 2007 issue of EAA Sports Pilot Magazine
In the story on Page 54 The magnificent Legal Eagle built by Joe Engelman of Independence Missouri. This wonderful project is a grand example of what you can do if you have a complete machine shop at your disposal. Joe has been experimenting with many different windscreen designs and has found one that leaves him able to fly the plane without goggles!.
Joe has flown his Legal Eagle over 200 times since the project was complete. He very cleverly named his craft "Pursnul Bidness" so when he gets away from the shop in the afternoon he can accurately say he is taking care of "Pursnul Bidness"

What High Prices? Legal Eagle Less Than $10,000!

By Dan Johnson — July 15, 2007

Leonard Milholland has created the Part 103 Legal Eagle shown in flight and the two-seat Double Eagle. See the airplane on display in the 2007 Airventure Oshkosh LSA Mall. For more info: Call 281-375-5453 or email Leonard.With good reason -- that is, prices soaring past $100,000 for the most deluxe LSA -- lots of recreational pilots are griping that the SP/LSA rule has priced them out of the market. To many, it seems all the carbon fiber, glass cockpit LSA airplanes are going to pilots selling out of their Bonanzas and Cessna 182s. *** Others lament, "You can't buy a three axis Part 103 airplane that honestly stays within 103's tight limits." And most would probably agree that a Part 103 airplane with a four stroke engine is an impossibility. Well, that's just plain wrong. *** If a simple, single-seat airplane will satisfy your flying interests, you can build Texas designer Leonard Milholland's Legal Eagle using his Better Half VW engine for less than $10,000 according to several who report compilations. Yes, you have to scrounge parts and do the work yourself. But a growing support group of other builders seems ready to help. Check the FAQs for the Legal Eagle.

By Dan Johnson


Leonard Milholland has created the Part 103 Legal Eagle shown in flight and the two-seat Double Eagle. See the airplane on display in the 2007 Airventure Oshkosh LSA Mall. For more info: Call 281-375-5453 or email Leonard.